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Met vriendelijke groet
Frank de Veer
Frenky Autodokumentatie

Autobianchi Bianchina le vetture che hanno fatto la storia


Artikelnummer: 9788879114196 Categorie:


Autobianchi Bianchini. Le Vetture che hanno fatto la Storia.

This book covers the history of the Bianchina from its origins to today. The first part is devoted to the birth of the Autobianchi factory and the developments that led to the production of the 110 B model in 1957. The technical characteristics, differences between the various series, the chassis and engine numbers, the colours and upholstery of all of them (transformable, cabriolet, saloon, panoramic, van and estate car) are described year by year. Illustrative material and original brochures of the period are called on to bring to life the various aesthetic and mechanical details.The second part is entirely devoted to restoration, spotlighting the various stages of reconditioning with invaluable advice and descriptive photographs of individual details, from the carcass to the finished vehicle. The third part offers collection aspects and customs linked to the model with archive pictures of the principal events, the special versions, accessories, publicity exploitation and the clubs devoted to the car from Desio which still attracts thousands of enthusiasts even today.

Italiaans, softcover, 2016, 120 pagina’s Leo Pittoni. Giorgio Nada editore.

ISBN 9788879114196.

Extra informatie

Gewicht 0,7500 kg
Afmetingen 28,00 × 25,00 × 1,50 cm