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Frenky Autodokumentatie

Alfa Romeo TZ-TZ2 Born to Win


Artikelnummer: alfa-romeo-tz-tz2-9788879116411 Categorie:


Alfa Romeo TZ-TZ2 Born to Win. English edition.

Having left motor racing in the early ‘50s – at least officially – Alfa Romeo returned to the sport once again at the start of the following decade due to the commitment and enthusiasm of Autodelta. This Alfa offshoot distinguished itself by preparing and racing about 30 of the manufacturer’s different cars that really did make history. Among them, the Giulia TZ holds a place at the head of the crowd. It had a 1.5-litre, 113 hp engine from the Giulia SS, front and rear suspension of modern conception, disc brakes and an especially bold body shaped by Zagato on a modern tubular chassis. Those were the strong points of this car, which scored results of absolute prestige in its brief career at Sebring, in the Targa Florio, the 24 Hours of Le Mans and the Tour de France.
Vito Witting da Prato, already the author of a meticulously written book on the Alfa Romeo SZ, covers the winning, human, technical and sporting factors of this unforgettable car in a monumental work. A book which, to the precise text and painstaking historical reconstruction, has been added illustrations of previously unpublished pictures and technical designs by Autodelta.

Engels, hardcover, 2016, 216 pagina’s, Ongeveer 220 foto’s, Vito Witting da Prato.

ISBN 9788879116411.

Extra informatie

Gewicht 1,75 kg
Afmetingen 29,00 × 26,00 × 2,5 cm