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Frank de Veer
Frenky Autodokumentatie

Alfa Romeo 6C 2300 e 2500 da Corsa


Artikelnummer: 9788889108475 Categorie:


Alfa Romeo 6C 2300 e 6C 2500 da Corsa.

Between the mid-1930s and the early 1950s, the Alfa Romeo 6C 2300 and 6C 2500 maintained a constant presence in sports car racing, and featured a wide range of versions, from official berlinettas to various artisanal experiments.

This volume is dedicated to all this varied series of special cars and their sporting history. Over the span of almost twenty years, over sixty cars with special bodies intended for sports use have been identified.

The history of the different models has been divided into five periods, corresponding to the main technical and sporting evolutions. For each of these parts there is an introduction describing the evolution of the production models, an account of the racing seasons and finally the detailed history of the individual models that were produced or modified for racing at that time.

Engels / Italiaans, hardcover, 2023, Michele P Casiraghi. Fondazione Negri.

ISBN 9788889108475.

Extra informatie

Gewicht 1,1 kg
Afmetingen 22 × 22 × 2,3 cm