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Frenky Autodokumentatie

Abarth the scorpion wins / Abarth Le Vittorie Dello Scorpio


Artikelnummer: abarth-the-scorpion-wins-sergio-seccatore Categorie:


Abarth the scorpion wins (1949-1972) / Abarth Le Vittorie dello Scorpione.

De bijbel over de overwinningen van de roemruchte racing Abarths in de periode 1949-1972.
Met meer dan 6000 overwinningen in een boek van meer dan 600 pagina’s kunnen we wel stellen dat dit een echte Abarth bijbel is geworden. Prachtig naslagwerk met vele foto’s.

Limited edition of 1,000 copies. It ‘a kind of third volume that traces the history of sports with the alphabetical list of more than 1,500 drivers who have raced with different models of the Abarth brand.

They are listed in the 640 pages over 6000 victories. Including a rich photographic unpublished. Probably the most comprehensive technical guide to the races of the Abarth.

This book is a dictionary of the racing drivers through whom Carlo Abarth wrote some of the most memorable pages of the history of Italian car championships. We find here all those who brought world fame to the Scorpion, listed one by one, with reports detailing the results they achieved – almost incredible for those times.

English / Italian, hardcover, 2015, 639 pagina’s, Sergio Seccatore, Registro Fiat Italiano.

Extra informatie

Gewicht 3,2 kg
Afmetingen 31,00 × 22,00 × 4,50 cm