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Frank de Veer
Frenky Autodokumentatie

Abarth Sport e Prototipi 1949 – 1971


Artikelnummer: abarth-sport-e-prototipi-9788879118255 Categorie:


Abarth Sport e Prototipi 1949 – 1971.

There was a time when Abarth, the cars with the Scorpion stamped on their bodywork, challenged much more powerful and renowned car manufacturers such as Porsche and Ferrari in the great endurance races or in the classics of the various Mountain Championships.

At that time, between the dawn of the Fifties and the beginning of the Seventies, Abarth cars wrote memorable pages of racing also in the Sport and Prototype categories, with models of extraordinary charm, raced by drivers of international fame.

After Abarth Gran Turismo da corsa, here is the volume dedicated to the Sport and Prototypecategories, again by Renato Donati, one of the leading enthusiasts and experts on the Scorpion marque, which analyses, model by model, all the Abarth that raced in this specific category, particularly in Italy, from 1950 to 1971.

As always, the iconographic apparatus, in colour and black and white, is invaluable and highly evocative.

Limited edition of 1200 unnumbered copies.

Italiaans, softcover, 2021, 192 pagina’s, Renato Donati.

ISBN 9788879118255.

Extra informatie

Gewicht 1,0 kg
Afmetingen 27 × 24 × 1,5 cm