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Met vriendelijke groet
Frank de Veer
Frenky Autodokumentatie

Abarth Buyers Guide


Artikelnummer: abarth-1588500446 Categorie:


The Abarth Buyer’s Guide tells you the story of all Abarth cars, including the earliest Cisitalias, Fiats, Simcas, Zagato and Bialbero cars, Porsche Abarth Carrera, Lancias, formula cars, record-setters and the sports racers.


The book is built on an impressive archive of historical photographs, many of them rare original Abarth factory pictures.

The detailed text chronicles the develpment history of Abarth, including specifications, restoration and authenticity notes.


Engelstalig, softcover, 128 pagina’s.

ISBN 1588500446.

Extra informatie

Gewicht 1 kg
Afmetingen 24,00 × 19,00 × 1,00 cm