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Frank de Veer
Frenky Autodokumentatie

A-Z of Three-Wheelers


Artikelnummer: AZ-threewheelers-9781908347169 Categorieën: ,


The A-Z of Tree-Wheelers, A definitive reference guide.

Love them or loathe them the 3-wheeler, Cycle-car or even Tri-car, has had an important impact in the development of the present day motor car. From the beginnings of the Industrial Revolution to the Concept cars of the future, these vehicles can hold their headlamps up with pride. They were present at the birth of motoring and possibly may be the answer to the future with the constant depletion of the Earth’s energy resources.

The first self-propelled vehicle in the world was a steam powered 3-wheeler developed by Frenchman Nicolas-Joseph Cugnot in 1769 with, over a century later in 1885, a Benz 3-wheeler being the first recognised machine to be powered by a gasoline engine.

From pioneering machines such as John Knight’s 1896 Petroleum Tricycle and Nazi scientist Count S. von Teleki’s WWII Bubble Puppy to the modern sporting vehicles of Razor Cars and the iconic Morgan 3 wheeler, this fascinating chronicle covers over 1000 models from more than 450 manufacturers.

Vehicles from such varied manufacturers as Allard Clipper, Brütsch, Heinkel, Singer and Zundapp, combine with the innovative 1933 Dymaxion built streamlined 3-wheeler, Daihatsu delivery trucks, the 1938 USA built Trimobile and Reliant’s much-loved Robin to bring to light the story of hundreds of remarkable 3-wheeled vehicles.

Organised by manufacturer including full details of all models and over 470 photographs, together with an introduction by Charles Morgan of the Morgan Motor Company, The A-Z of Three-Wheelers is a comprehensive guide to this classic mode of transport.

Engels, hardcover, 2013, 304 pagina’s, Elvis Payne.

ISBN 9781908347169.

Extra informatie

Gewicht 2,1000 kg
Afmetingen 26,00 × 26,00 × 2,80 cm