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Frank de Veer
Frenky Autodokumentatie

The Official Ferrari Magazine 23 (Yearbook 2013)


Artikelnummer: OFM-23 Categorie:


The Official Ferrari Magazine Number 23 (Yearbook 2013).


Everything you have never seen anywhere else about Ferrari is included in its Magazine number 23, the special 2013 Year Book version: a step-by-step insight on how the Ferrari is constructed, on the secret production lines at the Pilotino; how Montezemolo, the Chairman, works with the Maranello personnel, from board meetings to brainstorming with manufacturing technicians; the photos of the Formula 1 moments that nobody has seen; the faces of the new customers from all over the globe who buy and drive the most original Ferrari model: the FF.

Plus the micromodels of racing cars for speed competitions; the faces, habits and revelations on the people who have written Ferrari’s history, from the greatly missed Franco Gozzi to the extraordinary Mario Andretti, and lots more stories.



code 95998146.

Extra informatie

Gewicht 2,1000 kg
Afmetingen 33,00 × 25,00 × 3,00 cm