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Met vriendelijke groet
Frank de Veer
Frenky Autodokumentatie

Ultimate Garages


Artikelnummer: 9780760325605 Categorie:


Ultimate Garages.

Een kijkje in de diverse garages of Mancaves met fantastische automobielen en automobilia.

In dit deel ook een kijkje bij Jay Lano en diverse andere pracht collecties.
Prachtig boek om ideeën op te doen om uw eigen droom garage te creëren.

The garage is more than just a place to store cars. It is a place to work, hang out, and show off the vehicles that are an integral part of car lovers’ lifestyles. This lushly illustrated, large-format gift book caters to America’s fascination with the garage and looks at 25 of the most incredible garages in the United States. The list of garages in compiled by author Phil Berg is a mix of over-the-top garages built by some of the most well-known names in the auto industry, including Bob Lutz, Ken Gross, Brock Yates, Pat Genahl, and Bruce Meyer. Amazing garages from Peter Mullen’s fantastic underground garage full of Delahaye roadsters and famous celebrity garages are also featured in full color detail.

Gebruikt boek in goede en nette staat.

Engels, softcover, 2006, 224 pagina’s, Phil Berg.

ISBN 9780760325605.

Extra informatie

Gewicht 1,25 kg
Afmetingen 26 × 26 × 2 cm