Tatra 80 Tři životy slavného Schichtova kabrioletu – Tatra 80 Three Lives of Schicht’s Famous Cabriolet.
This publication deals with the remarkable history of the twelve-cylinder sports cabriolet Tatra 80 which was purchased by the prominent industrialist Dr. Heinrich Schicht in 1931. The history is documented from the car’s first presentation at the Trade Fair Palace, through the repeated threats of its vanishing, to the demanding renovation after which it took a symbolic journey to locations of its original use: Ústí nad Labem and Prague. This richly illustrated book was wrien and compiled by Ing. arch. Pavel Kasík, a leading internationally-recognized expert on historic Tatra vehicles.
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Engels / Tsjechisch, hardcovr, 2023, 286 pagina’s, Pavel Kasik. Tatra Heritage, CZ.
ISBN 9788011030872.